DIY Summer Camp 101 at Home (with printable lesson plans!)

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

If you’re needing some structure during summer I’ve created a fun 5 day summer camp activity (badges included!) that will teach your kids some camping safety and how tos through activities and play!

Each day of the week will have a theme and multiple options to participate in it including crafts, worksheets, or actually doing the real thing!

If you have some sort of play tent, now is a great time to use it! Even though we have a camper, it’s still fun to use a tent!

Monday – Prep for camp!

Tuesday is learning everything about campfires – how to be safe with them, how to build them and ofcourse… some fun campfire themed activities!

Tuesday – Campfire Day!

We’ll go over hiking safety tips, animal encounter safety tips, and what a child should do if they become lost!

Wednesday – Wilderness Exploration!

Thursday we are going to go over some basic things to avoid and simple first aid for kids!

Thursday – First Aid and Knowing What to Avoid!

The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace are super important and many aspects can be taught to pretty young kids.

Friday – Leave No Trace and FUN!

Swipe up to get Printable Lesson Plan!