Fun + Educational Pinecone Unit Study for Kids!

Kids will love to learn more about pinecones with this printable activity pack! Since we live in Wyoming, we have a TON of pine trees and so.. lots of pinecones! My kids ask endless questions about them, so hopefully, this packet helps answer some of those (I learned something too!) What’s included in this printable pinecone unit study This seven page black and white PDF is formatted for 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper and has a mix of fun facts and games! Pinecone facts for kids Learn the various way … Read more

What is Overlanding? Get Ready to Go Overland Camping!

“Adventure begins at the end of the roads you know.” Adventure is at the heart of overland camping. Overlanding is essentially an adventure-seeking road trip that combines elements of off-roading and camping into one freaking awesome expedition.  So if you like… Exploring new places Going off the beaten path Camping in the wild And occasionally getting lost …then overlanding is for you! So what exactly is overlanding and overland camping? Can I just go on a road trip in my minivan and call it overlanding? What do you need for … Read more

Women’s Hiking Journal + Motivational Tracker Photo REVIEW (you won’t believe how it looks on the inside!)

womens hiking journal gift for camping

If you’re looking for a beautiful new hiking journal to inspire you in your travels, then check out this pretty womens hiking journal! I myself LOVE to journal, and seeing as I also love to hike (check the url… crazy OUTDOOR mama!) it’s something I’ve worked on for awhile! This flowy, feminine journal has useful prompts and plenty of space for your own pictures and thoughts + some fun progress tracking pages. As a bonus for journal owners, I thought it would be fun to include a downloadable, matching calendar … Read more

Fun + CUTE Garden BINGO for kids (10 Boards + Calling Cards) perfect for spring!

garden bingo printable pdfs for kids with calling cards

Celebrate all things gardening with the kids this year and use this cute set of printable garden themed BINGO cards (with enough boards for the whole family!) Best of all, you can use this printable garden BINGO set however you like – as a BINGO style spring scavenger hunt, a matching game or perhaps matching up the picture to the word for the older kiddos! Play BINGO with 10 cute garden themed boards + a calling card set! I personally love spring gardening I so got inspired to make a … Read more

21 Money Saving Tips to Afford Roadschooling (and still have TONS of fun!)

how to afford roadschooling while having fun still

Managing Expenses on the Road Once you’ve got your income figured out, the next challenge is figuring out how to make the most of your travel experience without spending more than you can afford.  This balance can be tricky. You want to work enough to earn the money you need, but not so much that you have no time to enjoy it. You want to do more than sit in your RV – otherwise, what’s the point of traveling? – but it’s impossible to see and do everything that each … Read more

Plan Your Roadschooling Curriculum WAY Easier with These Helpful Resources!

how to plan homeschool curriculum

Do you love the idea of roadschooling, but find the idea of implementing a quality educational experience on the road to be a bit intimidating? I get it! Roadschooling is an incredible opportunity, but it’s also a significant responsibility. Getting started can be overwhelming. That’s why I want to help you plan your roadschooling curriculum! Choose your Roadschooling Philosophy and Style If you’re already homeschooling, you probably have a pretty good idea of your educational philosophy and the style that fits your family best. You’ll need to make some adjustments … Read more

Kids Printable Garden + Planting Activity Pack (PERFECT for spring!)

Whether you’re looking to get the kids involved in gardening this year, or maybe just want to pass down your love of plants, this fun printable planting journal for kids will be just the thing! My kids are FINALLY old enough to help me (still working on not drowning the plants though… HAH!) and I wanted to teach them how to use things like charts and such, so I created a watering and growth tracker for their plants! Let me show you what’s inside! What’s inside this cute kids gardening … Read more

DIY Cheap + Fun Greenhouse for Kids (+ Kids Planting Journal PDF!)

printable spring planting journal for kids

If you’re looking to start teaching your kids about planting (or are just looking for a fun spring activity do together!) this DIY cheap greenhouse is perfect! Since you’ll only need an egg carton, seeds, and something clear, this project is easy enough to plant alot of seeds at once. To help with the planting activity, I also created the Kids Planting Journal so that they can help keep track of things such as watering and growth (with more options for older kids.) Let’s check it out! Download your printable … Read more

9 Tips for an AMAZING Snowy Winter Vacation (and how to actually stay warm to enjoy it!)

bring your own coco or coffee

If you’re planning your big winter vacation, but you’ve never actually BEEN IN SNOW, it can be pretty darn hard to know what to expect to pack or bring! But don’t worry – after growing up in the desert (SoCal!) and now having experienced six Wyoming winters, I got all the details and tips you need! I hope that with this winter packing and vacation guide, you’ll not only be prepared for your winter getaway but gain a couple of insider tips too =). This post is sponsored by Stanley. … Read more

10 Easy Tips to Creating an Income to Afford Roadschooling in Your RV

“Wow, I’d love to be able to travel like that and have that experience as a family. What an amazing education for your kids! That’s a dream of ours – but we could never afford it.” Is that your response when you consider the idea of roadschooling? Finances is the topic we are asked about most frequently in this lifestyle, so you’re definitely not alone. We get it – one reason so many people save travel for retirement is that it doesn’t seem to fit with having a job and … Read more